Twin Life

To say twins was a surprise is an understatement, but we welcomed it with open arms!

I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy and delivered via c-section at 36 weeks 4 days. The boys were transverse and breech so there was no way a vaginal delivery was happening. My OB was leaving for out of town and since the week before I had been contracting pretty regularly and in pain (although not on official bed-rest, I did put myself on it somewhat to keep them in there!) we decided to go for it.

Babies came out perfectly healthy and were only admitted into the NICU 4 days later and had pretty short stays all things considered. They are perfectly healthy!

Here is an easy place to find any twin information you might be looking for! Of course, you can always use the search box or tags to find out anything else and I'm always available via email if you have questions!

Twin Pregnancy


Gender Reveal

Birth Day

I did monthly updates up until they hit two. If you are looking for that, go ahead and find that on the sidebar

Breastfeeding Twins 

Breastfeeding Twins Tips Part 1

Breastfeeding Twins Tips Part 2