*Heartline Haiti*- The Esther Clutch

Heartline was a breath of fresh air. 

The mango trees shaded the outdoor work area where women were cutting and pinning, and inside the steady hum of manual sewing machines.

These women, hard at work creating beautiful clutch's that we would soon be selling. 

These women. These amazing women have been able to escape abusive relationships because of this opportunity. They can support themselves and don't have to rely on someone who beats them, for their food and shelter.They send their kids to school, they feed their entire family.  They are free.

"Heartline Ministries is a 501(c)(3) faith based organization formed to operate an orphanage, women’s program and other programs in Port-au-Prince Haiti. The organization was established in September of 2000 to formalize the independent work of John & Beth McHoul, who are the founding directors of the organization. John & Beth McHoul have been working in Haiti for over 20 years.

Our approach deals with the whole person, so Heartline is involved in many humanitarian, educational and faith based activities.

In 2007, we started our women’s program. The women’s program currently houses our Sewing, Beading and Cooking programs. The sewing class is six-months long and gives the women of the program the chance to make purses that are sold in the states at Purse Parties. The Beading class is a eight-week learning program. Once they master the art of making beads, they also have the chance to sell their items both online and at our two merchandise stores in Haiti. The ultimate goal of the program is to empower women to take control of their lives emotionally, spiritually and financially.

In 2010, our Maternity Center was brought to reality with a very busy birthing room and classrooms where both pre-natal and post-birth child development classes are taught weekly. We have one midwife on staff and many other who have a heart for the program who are a great help!"
 (above description taken directly from Heartline's website as to accurately explain their mission)

After the women graduate Heartline's sewing program, they have the option of making purses and jewelry for Haitian Creations. They sell through parties, online store and through us at Trades of Hope!

Gorgeous Bags

Fabric Beads

Haitian Creation's sets up savings accounts for these women so that they are able to save their money up in a secure way.
Chandler (who is in charge of Haitian Creations) told us that many women were able to sustain themselves through and after the Earthquake in 2010 because of their savings accounts.

Heartline's Maternity Center is in the process of breaking new ground and they are actively fundraising. Maybe you heard about Barry and his run across Haiti?!

Chandler shared with us the statistics in Haiti involving rape, maternal death and infant death.

It's mind-numbing.

Heartline is not a band-aid, it's a beautiful place of empowerment, education, love and support.

I can't wait to return.

Oh, and that clutch they were working on?
Chandler gave as simple sketch to one of the artists and she ran with it.....

her name is Esther, so it was only fitting the clutch would be named for her.

Esther and our founders!

You can purchase an Esther Clutch today by clicking here!

The clutch zippers shut and has an inside pocket where the artisan has signed her name!

It fits any e-reader as well as an i-Pad Mini!

my commission goes toward our adoption fund!