Miscellany Monday

fun times be happenin' here....

PS: I have purposefully NOT brought my big camera on these trips...wanted to focus on the moment and not about "getting the shot"...hence the low quality phone pics

day trip to the coast

seriously people!?

For a successful family picture, strong holds must be placed upon the younger two

i don't think it could get any cuter. 

Wildlife Safari

He hopped on the camel like he'd done it a million times before. no hesitation. 

The elephant was totally showing off

We love this place!

road trip to Portland for a Trades of Hope party with my sister which included some must-stop places

THE only place to get ice cream in Portland
Salt & Straw

Heaven on a plate
The Waffle Window

and we did all these little trips in our new to us....

yep. we got a van. and i am in love.

other things worth mentioning:

jack turns 5 next week. i might cry.

trev has two classes left until he is up for ordination. he's done awesome.

big boy beds are going well! yay!

major adoption fundraising in on hold for now. we don't know the exact direction we are ready to go yet, sort of waiting on things to clear up, so instead of fundraising without a clear picture, we'll just keep the money raised in the account it's in until we are a little more ready to dive in!
*note* this does not mean we aren't adopting.....this just means we aren't actively fundraising at the moment :)
lowercase letters


  1. Looks like a lovely trip. And oh my goodness, that photo of the three little men... too much cuteness in one place! :)

  2. Great quality or just ho-hum your pictures are priceless. Super cute!
