Jack: A Letter Before You Start School


Tomorrow you start Kindergarten. It's not a big deal, but it is a big deal all in the same breath. Someday you'll know what I mean.

As you start school, I just wanted to remind you how much I love you. I love so many things about you I just don't know where to begin.

Daddy and I picked a verse for you. One that we pray over you and trust will help shape your life and your heart.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love"
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

You see, Daddy and I love you so much, but there is someone who loves you even more than us. He gave you to us. He trusted us enough to look after, care for and guide you. To teach you how to be like Him. We mess up a lot, sometimes we get things wrong....and we are so thankful for grace.

God's grace says "you messed up, really really big but I love you anyway and you don't have to be perfect for me to love you"

Remember how we talked about compassion, about how when you feel a little sad inside when you see someone hurting, or being hurt? Remember that we want you to act on it! Don't let that little feeling inside just sit there.

Be a friend to the kids who don't have friends. Say hi to the quiet kids. Sometimes that quiet kid is you, so you will have to be brave to say hi to others.

Don't be afraid to be you sweet boy. You are silly, you are funny and you love to help. Look for ways to be a helper to everyone, to flash that dimple at people who may be having a tough day.

Mommy and Daddy don't care how many awards you get, how many times you are noticed for doing good or how many times you get picked for things.

We just want you to love God and love people. We want you to do it not for a sticker or a star, but because it's the right thing to do. Be brave and courageous, even when it's a little scary.

When Mommy was little there was a boy in her class named Virgil. Virgil didn't really say much and his clothes were a little stinky and he always looked like he may have cried a lot the night before.
Nobody really wanted to sit by him. I don't know why, but maybe kids were afraid because he was different.

But Mommy said hi. I never squirmed when I was seated next to him, and I never made fun of him. I will always remember the card he gave me, I don't remember exactly what it was for but I do remember he thanked me for just being nice.

See, it doesn't take a lot to make someone feel loved and special.

You might meet a Virgil this year, or the next and we want you to be the one who makes him smile. Because here is the thing. Different is okay and different isn't scary.
 We're all people and God wants us to love no matter what.

So as you head off tomorrow for this big new world of school and you get to meet so many new people and learn from an amazing teacher, know that you are loved and that we are proud of you.

Go love people.

Mommy and Daddy

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