Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my week break in between, but I don’t feel anxious going in. I feel hope. Something I thought was going to be allusive this entire process.
(PS: I reserve the right to change my mind about this at any point along the way!!)
Tomorrow brings a blood draw, appointment with my oncologist (okay that always makes me nervous- I like the PA better) and then another Pre-Chemo Movie Night with friends and family.
If Cinemark stops this before I’m done with chemo I’m going to have an issue!!! Oh and I get my hair cut!! You know, even if I mostly only go to doctors appointments you gotta keep the hairs lookin good.
Tonight I got to teach/preach for the first time since March. I had a lot of anxiety going into it because 1) it’s been so long 2) I haven’t really been around many people and was feeling social anxiety for the first time in my life 3) They are preteens #enoughsaid
It was awesome. I had no anxiety about being around people (all were masked and did a great job distancing and we sanitized before and after) and as soon as I began speaking my nerves were calm. I loved seeing faces (eyes) of people I hadn’t seen since March and watching my oldest laugh and be around friends (he’s really really really struggling).
I say teach/preach because with this age group and the content I was definitely able to approach it more like preaching which is something you don’t get to do with the younger kids as much. I came home tonight feeling like myself for the first time in months and months. Feeling that affirmation that I am doing what God has called me to do- which is to preach and teach the Word so others can find and follow Jesus.
I cried with joy when I came home and told Trevor “I’m exhausted - but all my cup is so very full”
Here are some pics from the last week and the “good days”
Preteen Group
How is he in 6th Grade?!
Carving Pumpkins followed by a fire and s’mores
Pumpkin Patch!
We like to go- get the pumpkins and leave. We aren’t really into the “festival” side of it- even before the CC Double just felt like too much!