You Have Changed: A Letter to Myself

Hey Krystle, life has been weird and hard the past few years.

You have gone through some health stuff, you moved your family and changed jobs and lost friends and alongside the entire rest of the world survived a pandemic that continues to make waves, in midst of a volatile political climate and a culture that is increasingly growing hostile towards one another, drawing lines in the sand that had never been there before. 

You feel the weight of it and feel discomfort because of how it's changed you over time. You have made mistakes and been wrong and changed your mind and you have changed. 

You have changed the party on your voter registration three times over the course of the next decade and still don't feel fully satisfied. 

Your friends have changed because of your views on masks and mandates, laws and people have changed. 

You are not who you were a decade ago and you have changed your mind a lot. 

You sometimes posted impassioned things online that caused division even if you had the best of intentions. It took awhile for you to figure that one out, but you're not going to beat yourself up anymore about that. 

You have found that you agree and disagree with so many things within the two party system and finally realized the tension is there because as a Christ follower you aren't meant to fall into or operate in one of two categories, but are to be in an entirely different one. 

You have learned the hard way that this is going to create tension and while it's not comfortable there, that's where you need to live. 

You have seen people you thought you agreed with on most things, pick a flag or an issue or a politician over Jesus and it has broken your heart. 

You have changed you mind more than you expected to.

You have been wrong so many times. 

You have learned and relearned and forgotten and learned again that social media is not the place to talk about hot topics because no one can know your heart and what you truly mean. 

You have felt pressured to always respond to a current event and then you eventually realized you don't have to. 

You have learned the power of the unfollow button to keep your mind and heart soft and loving. 

You have been wrong so many times.

You disagree with those you love and want them to see things the way you do, but you have realized that we are all on our own timelines and that we don't all arrive at the same time. And that we are always all a work in progress. 

Your passion and zeal has rubbed people wrong, and you have learned (and are learning) to soften the edges.  

You have decided it's more important (to you) that you be a peacemaker rather than a wavemaker.