Weight Gain Update :(

Sigh. Pretty discouraged today. We had the boys weighed yesterday. Camden weighs 11.4 lbs and Christian weighs 10.7 lbs.
For Camden is just gaining just a half ounce a day and Christian not even a half ounce, and he has only gained 5 ounces in the last month. :(

My LC asked if I thought my milk supply was low, to which I replied no. Christian seemed to be okay, just not nursing for long (but remember he downed 4oz from me in 9 min) and just skinny.
Camden had recently started getting really upset after only 3 minutes in, screaming and refusing to re-latch even though he seemed hungry. I thought it was his reflux.
But after seeing the lack of weight gain on the boys she thinks for sure my milk supply has dwindled for whatever reason, and that the fat content in my milk is low.

So....I am taking several herbs and adding in foods known to promote good milk supply. The problem is, it takes a few days for it to kick in. And the pediatrican wants to see them on Tuesday which doesn't give me much time.
So, the LC is having me bottle feed my frozen breast milk and then pump, and even pump through the night (even though they haven't been waking in the middle of the night) to try and kick my supply back up. These little guys are hungry.
The only problem...the hate the bottle. So not only are they refusing me, they are refusing the bottle and I am so stressed about the whole thing.

Everyone keeps saying, "Don't stress or worry, that affects your milk supply" Well what the heck else am I supposed to do!?

At 3 months things were great, and I haven't changed a darn thing. How can I go from totally positive thinking we'd make it to my ultimate goal of 1 year....to totally deflated wondering if we are going to make it another week.

Sorry for the bummer post.


Camden, Christian



  1. The girls were slow gainers. . .still are. bUT, they never slept through Tyne night until a year. As much as you hate to do it, I'd recommend waking them to feed at lest once a night. They are actually probably too young to naturally sleep as long as they do and breastfeed. And, as much as it may make you feel crazy, wake them up separately so that each gets a good feed. This will help increase your supply, and hopefully will get em to gain. It will not help your sleep. . .but, as a mom "on the other side" sleep I'll come eventually:) hugs!

  2. hmmmmmm. Sounds like a hard time indeed. But it is good you can vent here. You know, I am no lactation expert, and I don't have multiples but I would suggest that if your boys are sleeping thru the night, happily, and having enough wet diapers......then maybe they are just slow weight gainers? I have come to find the docs in America like to err on the side of caution A LOT. If your boys seem happy......trust your Motherly instincts.

  3. Don't give up!

    That being said, we gave up bf-ing at 3 months and I dont' regret it. BUT my girls had TONS of issues and it wasn't working out for any of us. 1 year was my goal and we only made it 3 months. With a lot of supplementing. But you know, my kids are healthy, happy and growing and THAT is the most important thing! For the first 3 months, I lived by the idea that an breastmilk is success. So don't feel bad if you have to give a little formula.

    But like I said, don't give up! I tried the fenugreek and the Mother's Milk Tea and pumping every 2 hours... It was nuts. Also remember that you don't HAVE to do what your pediatrician says. You can keep doing what you are doing and bring them back for another weight check in a few weeks. Good luck! The fact that you have made it this far with twins is a huge success! Way to go mom!
