After our quick trip to Portland for the wedding, we were planning on taking our time driving to the coast for our camping trip. We thought we'd take the long route and stop at a few coastal towns along the way.
The trip started rough with crying kiddos, and only escalated. Christian was screaming so bad we stopped an hour south of where we left only to discover Trevor had left his wallet at a Starbucks in Portland. We called, they had it, so we turned around to go get it.
We had to make a few more stops because of the screaming and realized we would be pulling into the campsite near 11:00pm, then trying to set up everyone's beds and things in the dark. Not fun.
We decided to drive all the way home and just take off early the next morning for the coast (about a 2 hour drive) It was a great decision because the boys slept great that night and we got to be at home the next morning for Jack's Birthday and grab a donut!
My family has always camped in only one spot. Brooking, Oregon. Right on the coast. You don't have to deal with mosquitoes or hot weather and they have YURTS. Love it. This was our first camping trip with the twins. Let me tell you what, it was exhausting. Even though we had help from our family, trying to keep them from the fire-pit or the road was crazy.
They slept really good at night, and we just let them nap in the strollers during the day...but there was hardly any down time. It was fun, and we made good memories and Jack was the perfect age and had a blast....loving "swimming" in the water, even though our ocean is freezing cold. He could care less. The boys had never walked on the sand before and Camden loved it and was not afraid of the waves, Christian took a bit to warm up to it and stayed close by.
Next time we go they will be 3 almost 3 1/2 and it will be a lot less stressful and a lot more fun.
I am glad we went, and my family is just amazing and we couldn't' have done it without them. I have tons of pics, they are all beware :)
Hey. Get up off my sand castle brothers! |
Auntie and Christian |
Auntie and Jack eating muffins |
Auntie and the twins |
Love this. Uncle, Jack and Auntie |
Cam and his pancake |
He kills me |
Cam running to Daddy |
Mommy and the bear |
He loved it |
The boys watching my Dad be goofy :) |
Chilling by the fire |
My Dad loves his firewood! |
My Dad and cousin Gwen |
Christian |
Mommy and Christian |
Starting to warm up to the sand |
Corn on the Cob eaters |
Cousins! And a sunny day :) |
Curt (family friends aka Grandparents in Training ) and Cam |
And with Christian |
And with Jack |
Curt and Nette and the littles...they are so loved |
Oh just Trev and a GIANT rice krispie treat |
Camden is in heaven |
Hubby and Daddy |
Christian is a monkey |
Oh just Trev and some corn on the cob |
Love this |
My Dad and his sons-in-law :) |
Jack and a new car he got for his Birthday |
MR. Dimple |
Happy Camper |
He was shivering and turning blue but got mad when we left...Oregonian in it's truest form! |
Get it son! |
Nama and Jack |
My Mom brought paint to decorate rocks...she's brilliant |
He had his own "fire-pit" flame free :) |
Nama and her boys |
My parents. I love them. They are kinda the best. |
They have something special.... |
Family shot! |
Cracks me up |
We are a split we show equal support :) |
The boys in the sand...notice Trev keeping Cam from diving head first into the water... |
Our attempt at a pic of the twins on the beach haha |
Uncle and the stack-o-burgers |
He loves his Uncle |
Uncle and the twins |
Last picture before we headed home. Can you say tired? |
These pictures are just wonderful! Makes me miss the ocean and camping! You have such a sweet family, blessed indeed!