A letter to my boys....

Hi boys,

Mommy is leaving tomorrow  I get to go on an airplane! I am sure going to miss you, but I know your Daddy will take such good care of you and we have so many friends and family that are going to be checking on him to make sure he's okay.

Mommy wants you to know she's a little bit scared. I don't really like flying on airplanes, especially alone. I am scared about how much I will miss you, and worrying that you are safe while I am gone. I sort of joked with Daddy that he just lock the door and not leave the house until I come back. 

You know what though? If we let being scared keep us from doing what God wants us to do, we wouldn't get to do a lot of things! The Jesus who loves me and you asks us to do some scary things sometimes, and really living for Jesus should be unsafe. The world will tell you to play it safe, but I'm not going to tell you that. I'm going to tell you to be brave and dangerous and bold for Him. 

Mommy wants to show you as little boys that listening to Jesus and being brave for Him is what our lives are all about. Mommy and Daddy want you to learn now that your life is not for you, but to serve and love others. 

I am going to meet some wonderful people who don't have the same things you have, life is a harder for them and because we've been blessed with things that they don't have, we are to bless them! Mommy gets to go see how they work hard to make beautiful things to sell to people all over and earn money to take care of their babies and families. They are able to eat food and not be hungry because of the things Mommy helps them sell. 

Someday soon you boys will come with Mommy and Daddy, and we will get to do this together. 
We are excited to teach you at a young age about this adventure of life in Christ. We hope you can remember when you are grown that as long as you can think back, you saw your Mommy and Daddy living out love and that you learned to do the same!

Mommy's biggest prayer to God is that you love Him and love others. Do what you can to help those who need help and love first and foremost. Even if it's scary or even if it's hard. 

I will miss you every moment, but I will be back soon. 



  1. This is such a great picture! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures! You'll be back before you know it! Praying for safe travels and a blessed trip!

  2. I'll be saying a prayer for you and your sweet family. I know how hard it is just leave for two days for me....God will give you His strength and peace as you go!

  3. Aww, that made me teary eyed. I am so excited for you as start this journey. You will be in my prayers and I look forward to reading your updates on how the Lord worked during your trip.
