Happy 2nd Birthday Camden & Christian!

Two years ago I was nervous and excited, not a first time parent, but recognizing that twins were a completely different ball game and having really no idea what was coming- brought a mix of emotions.

As my wonderful OB pulled each boy from his home for 36 weeks 4 days and I heard their cries and subsequent "they are just great!" I never could have imagined what two years from that moment would bring.

They brought to our word a new level of exhaustion and love. A dynamic so different that you will never understand unless you have twins. A beautiful crazy life that leaves us utterly worn and desperately in love at the end of each day.

The fascination that comes with watching your children and their different personalities is only intensified when they are the exact same age.

One is social and never stops moving, saying hi to everyone and physically beyond his age in skill, yet on the tiny end of the spectrum. Small and fierce his grin and laugh are infectious. He has personality bigger than life.

The other, reserved and quiet unless he is with people he knows are safe, yet cunning and smarter than a whip. Inquisitive and caring, his deep blue eyes look into your soul and his smile is always just what I need.

Each love to be held, and watch their big brother...mimicking his every move.

The first year was really such a blur, but feels so far ago....this last year has flown and I cannot believe we are celebrating their turning two. It hardly seems possible.

I am looking forward to this next year. I love the different things with each age, but from 2 1/2 on with Jack has been a blast and so much more fun!

Happy Birthday Camden. Happy Birthday Christian,

Your lives are a testimony to God's faithfulness and healing. I love you so deeply sometimes it aches. We never call you the twins,  in fact we hardly use the term at all when talking about you. You are in fact twins, but most of all you are brothers and you are ours, lent to us by a gracious God who has more in store for you than we could possibly imagine. We pray that you love Him first and you love others, and that you know your life is not your own.
Mommy and Daddy


  1. Happy Birthday Christian and Camden! May you blessed with many more years to come!!! You both have grown so much! Tell your mom that she is doing a great job raising such strong godly men!! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday C&C. So excited to celebrate with you!
