10th Anniversary

we were friends.
i knew he liked me more.
i was young and not sure.
i fell before i even knew it.
i knew we'd marry
i knew it was forever...even at 17

two years after that we were married
and today is ten years later

my mom always told me it got better every year
she was right

only a few months after we married he accepted the full time job
of worship pastor at our church
i was scared
but we knew it was right

we traveled to the coast
to California
to Washington
to Disneyland
to Disneyworld
to Minnesota
to the Coast
to Sunriver
to Utah

we lived in two different apartments 
then a house
we got a kitty

i went to phlebotomy school and left my barista job after 6 years
i became a medical assistant

we decided it was time to expand the family

i quit my job to stay home
jack arrived august 2008....a tad early
our lives changed drastically and amazingly

we walked through a miscarriage
and then the difficulty of conceiving again

and then twins


we've seen friendships dissolve and friendships strengthen
friends have gone
and new friends have come
we've watched family in crisis
and family drift
we've watched friends pass away
walk through cancer

we've watched my mom walk through breast cancer
 my dad's triple bypass
my sister's meningitis
his mom's fall and post-concussion syndrome

we've watched four grandparents pass away

we've conquered student loans
only to see medical debt pile up

car accident
major church changes
family crisis

broken nose and surgery
ankle surgery

And still......

we've made dating a priority
we've gotten away together
we've protected our family time and sometimes that has upset people

we never stopped talking
we never stopped loving on one another
i can honestly say that he has never stopped wooing me
the things he did when we dated...
he still does them

i love him more with each passing day

he works hard
he is always present as a dad
when he is home, he is home
he adores me
he thinks i'm beautiful and he tells me
he gives 100%
he is the spiritual leader in our house and our boys have an amazing role model

i love him
i am in love with him
i desire him

after ten years, this most amazing thing....
this life
this blessing

i am so looking forward to the next ten years of our lives together
the dreams we have
the direction God is taking us

Happy Anniversary my love
These were the best ten years of my life
The very best ten I could have imagined and hoped for

Bring on the next 10...


  1. Oh krystle this is absolutely gorgeous. I cried. Thank you for sharing your life with us. The love of your marriage is abundant and it flows over to your children and even to those of us who just look upon your life from the outside. Thank you for sharing and cheers to many, many decades more.

  2. You have a beautiful love story. Congrats on your ten year anniversary and may the Lord bless you with many more decades together.

  3. Nicely done, Mrs. Bowen of 10 years!! :)

  4. Wow I love this. So special. Happy 10th :)

  5. It is great pleasure to read your beautiful never-ending love story. Truth is, no relationship comes with a lifetime guarantee. Even men and women who grew up in stable homes are at risk. Further, those who attend church and consider themselves Christians, who promise “until death does us part,” can have it all fall apart. While other marriage books may leave us feeling overwhelmed, spotlighting our shortcomings and providing pages of “relationship homework,” Sacred Marriage makes it clear that Christian Singles going to marry can have a successful, happy and holy marriage. I am sure both of you have that dignity and spirituality that make you a perfect couple.
