We left our kids and went to Disneyland!

It's true.
We left our kids behind and went to Disneyland just the two of us.
We've been putting bits and pieces away for 10 years to do something fun and decided to cash in!

We flew, stayed in a hotel 1/2 a mile from the park and got 3 Day Park Hopper Passes.
We left Oregon at 6:30am and were in the park by 11:00am that first day!

We stayed until 11:00pm that night
Got to the park when it opened the next two days and then on the third day left at 2:30pm and were home by 11:00pm that night.

With all that's been going on at church and Trev's schooling, he was OVERDUE for a break.
Usually it takes my man a few days to relax on a vacation...but when we go to Disneyland it's instant.
20 minutes at the park and I could visibly see him relax.

Crazy right? It's busy and lots of people, but it really is the place we can just let everything go and have fun.
It was so nice to have time just the two of us.
To not be needed or worried about the boys.
To eat and talk and take our time.

I wish I could take him once a year...just so he can get the break he needs.

We are so thankful for amazing friends and my parents who took care of the boys while we were gone, especially my amazing Mama. We couldn't have done it without them.

We didn't take anything but my phone and his wallet into the park, it was so nice not to lug things around. 
So...I give to you...lots of selfies on my iPhone :)

Yes. We are sorta Disneyland freaks. 
If you need tips for going, especially with kiddos...let me know!
We've done it solo, with a family and with an 11 week old, twin 11 month olds and a 3 1/2 Year old and Two Year olds and a 4 year old :)

One of my favs! Screamin!

I tried to get him to buy it....

AMAZING! Get fast passes for it, it's worth it. The most amazing show I've seen!

First time getting Mint Julep's 

The Iron Man expo was cool...like was too long to do the simulated suit but this was fun

We walked out of a store and bam...literally walked into these guys :)

We did lunch at Ariel's Grotto. Yes, we were the only people in there without kids but the food was amazing!

That's right. 

Love of my life

Last morning there we did early entry and felt like we had the whole place to ourselves!