Miscellany Monday

we had a fabulous weekend. although the sniffles are still hanging around, everyone's moods have improved and that's always a good thing.

 Friday I got to sleep in until 10:00am. Yes, you read that right. My sweetie let me sleep until I wanted and boy did that feel good. That evening we got to go on a date! It had been way too long since we'd had a solo date night and our fabulous family friends watched the boys and let us borrow their convertible for the occasion. It was almost 80 degrees and sunny and it was perfect. We took the long road to our destination, ate fabulous food, had fabulous dessert and I actually ate an entire meal, sitting down! And we didn't talk about anything heavy, we just ate and enjoyed each others company and it was perfect. 

Saturday our friend built these garden beds for us! This will be my first attempt at gardening, and I'm planning on zucchini, tomatoes, pole beans, strawberries, peppers and herbs. Wish me luck!

I wrote a Mother Letter here. It's part of a link-up in conjunction with the release of this fabulous ebook. Such a great story, go check it out, write your own if you want and link it up!

Last week my blogging friend Rachel started a series called 10 Days of Intentional Parenting. It's been amazing, and has had a great impact on me. This week she finishes it off with days 6-10. It's not too late to join in! Head over and check it out, you will be so glad you did!


Jack helping out 

We busted out the shorts!

happy monday! link up with Carissa and write your own Miscellany....
Miscellany Monday @lowercase letters


  1. Glad you were able to go on date night with the hubby! What awesome friends that you got to borrow their car!! Love the pictures of the boys.. How do you take such beautiful pictures? I might need a lesson or two...

  2. such handsome pictures of your boys! whoa, girl! i am so thrilled you got to sleep in and go on a date. amazing - you so deserve it. : )

  3. your boys are adorable!! I have a twin sister :)
