Fill in the Blank Friday

Today is a good day because Trevor is off and we just get to be together today :)

2.   The best thing I did all week was watch Jack perform in his school Spring Program. So dang cute

3.  The current weather is     rainy       and it makes me feel     sleepy.

4. The best thing about spring is   some days are sunny and some are rainy and I like it. And when it's sunny it's not too hot. 

5. A fashion trend that I'm dying to try out for spring is  nothing really. I'm super exciting. 

6. A person who made me smile this week was   my Mom. We got to have dinner out this week and you can't not smile around her :)

7.  The most delicious thing I ate all week was   Quinoa, black bean, pico de gallo with taco chips. May or may not have been my lunch 3 days in a row (although isn't quinoa supposed to be filling?? I was hungry earlier than usual after eating that....)

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