Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Birthdays are: huge in my family! We typically celebrate a birthday week or even the whole month. I love that my parents (especially my Mom) still love their Birthday's so much too! We just celebrated my little guy's 2nd Birthday!

2. My favorite birthday memory was uh....I don't have a favorite. I have several.....a SKA party for when I turned 15, a nice dinner out to Jacksonville Inn for my 18th, a CARS themed party for my 24th....I think every birthday memory is pretty fantastic.

3. A birthday tradition I (or my family) has singing Happy Birthday. Haha...ok, no but really, I don't think we have a "birthday tradition". Other than to be spoiled.

4. If I had to choose one birthday meal to eat for the rest of my birthdays hence forward I would pick pizza. I love pizza.

5. My birthday is on November 17th...Fall Birthdays are the BEST!

6. If I could take a birthday trip I would go to Disneyland. Heck...that's where I want to go anytime :)

7. The best gift I've ever received for my birthday was a trip to Hawaii....I'm pretty sure that was the gift from my Uncle and Aunt that year...I went as the "nanny" to my little cousin. If that wasn't my birthday present or I'm totally remembering wrong...whoops. :)

Click on the link below to check out Lauren's post along with the others! And link up yours as well!

Lauren's Blog

1 comment

  1. Cool post, what a great idea, fill in the blank. I really enjoyed your answers, can't say I have EVER had a birthday present as awesome as Hawaii lol
    Hope you are feeling a little better!
