This love....

Sometimes, there are just no words. No words to express to him how much I love him.

I cannot put it on paper, or on a blog...I can't do enough, buy him enough, show him enough.

I will never, be able to fully express how much I not only love him....but how much I am in love with him.

We have been blessed. I know.

My best friend, yes. But more than that.
I desire him. 

My heart aches with this love that I cannot express.
This maddening love that drives me.

This God given love.

I desire to never be away from him.

And the best part of this is...he feels the same.

We never have ever gotten tired of one another.
We have never ever, in our almost nine years of marriage needed a break.
Or in our dating years.

We could spend every waking moment of our lives together and still not feel like it was enough.

I realize not every couple is built this way.

But we are.
We both are.

He's passionate about me, and I him.

We have not stopped dating eachother. 
Those fuzzy feelings...they never left. 

I'm only fuzzier inside.

I love him more today than I did yesterday. 
And the day before....

He still makes me swoon when he walks by and I catch his scent. 
When I hear him heart skips and beats.

He gives all he has and then some. 
He puts me first.
He puts our boys first.
He protects us, he cares for us.

He provides for us.
He guards us.
He is the leader.

I wished for this. I prayed for this. 
God did not just answer them....he gave me more than I prayed for.

Valentine's Day last year was horrible. My babies were both admitted to the NICU on the day we were to be released. 
One of the worst days of my life.

This year on Valentine's Day...we will spend it all together.
Thanking the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness.

Loving one another.

I know it's not Valentine's Day yet...but I couldn't wait to be mushy until then...
Lacie Lauree Photography

Lacie Lauree Photography

He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same
Emily Bronte


  1. Aw, this is sweet, Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day this year!

    I also wanted to let you know that I tagged you in a post on my blog this week. :-)

  2. Congrats on training for a 10miler.. It is no easy feat! Thanks for stopping by by blog. How have you been doing on WW???
