Just a quick update...

We are totally pooped. I don't know what I'd do without Trevor here...he is amazing. He's making me rest, holding down the household stuff, brings them to me to feed, burps and changes and rocks them and puts them back to bed....I have a panic attack when thinking about him going back to work. Sigh....

So the boys were weighed today and YAY!

Camden is now 6lbs 3oz and Christian is 6lbs 1oz!! Camden has taken the lead and has put on over a pound in the last week or so! So proud of the little men! Will try to get some more pics up later this week!

Thanks again for all your prayers and keep em comin! :)


  1. Yay! I was totally obsessed with watching the girls gain weight it made me happy even if they gained a few oz! :)

  2. Oh my, they are growing so fast already, but growth is good! Hope you get your rest!

  3. This is my first visit to your lovely blog and to see your precious family. Glad I stopped in. A blessing in deed.
