1 year 1 month aka 13 months...


I totally missed the "monthly update"...I guess since they are 1 now I don't think about them in months anymore, but we still need to update!!!

Right now the little chick-a-dees have nasty colds, so we are a tad miserable here, but otherwise good.

Camden just started really walking yesterday, he'd been taking steps here and there for a few weeks and as of yesterday was trying to walk everywhere. His balance is still a work in progress, but he's on his feet!
And just as Camden learns to walk, Christian is pretty much running everywhere. 

Camden loves to drop things and say "uh-oh"
If you ask him what a monkey says, he'll go "ooh-ooh, ah-ah"...yeah, super cute.
They both say "tit-tee" when they see the kitty, and Camden will repeat "No"...oh joy :)

The love to put things on their heads and play peek-a-boo, it's so cute that they initiate it.
Christian loves to hide around corners and bust out at you, and then run back around and hide. 
They love to play cars with Jack and totally have learned how to actually "play" cars driving them along the floor and I know it's from watching Jack.

Jack loves to have them come into his room to play and they make a mess and have a great time playing his drum-set or dumping all his books off the shelf. 

They both love to read books, especially Christian. 

They eat really well, usually breakfast, lunch and dinner and a snack or two in between to tide them over.
We are still at a 6:00ish wake-up time, with naps at 9:00am and 1:00pm and bedtime around 6:30pm. 
I'm ready for a 7:00pm bedtime and hopefully wake-up time, but Jack was always and early riser, so I have a feeling these boys will follow suit, I'd just love to not be so tied down to their bedtime, but I strongly believe in an early bedtime and consistency with that, so we'll let them transition later.

I am ready for them to be really walking solidly, it's going to make life so much easier.
I know you may think I'm crazy...but lugging around two little ones in my arms while chasing a 3 1/2 year old isn't ideal...so, once they are more steady on their feet and can hold my hand...it's just going to make life run smoother. 

Christian loves to rock out. He doesn't just dance, the kid gets his whole body into it, and it's to anything with a beat. Seriously....anything. He just starts going and it's hilarious. We've tried to get it on video, but no luck yet. 

I'm guessing Camden is around 19lbs and Christian just under 18lbs. 
They are both in 12 month clothes or 6-12 months....with the sleeves or pants being just a tad short sometimes. 

I am loving that they know their names, they know where to look for Jack, they love to point and talk about the pictures on the walls and snuggle. 
This, and the next year, are some of my favorite months age wise, so I am really looking forward to watching them grow and develop!


  1. You have such handsome boys! Love that picture of Camden & Christian holding hands. That is so sweet.

    Thank you for your prayers for me and baby Hunter. I appreciate them more than you know!

  2. They are so adorable! Sorry to hear about the colds.. I hate being sick and I can't imagine that is anything but difficult as a parent.. You should shoot a video of Camden walking.. Would love to see it! Glad to see you are updating again!

  3. I love them! The pictures are precious!
    I love when they rock out =). And their little words...ah!
    I agree, I think it's actually easier when they are walking! Keep up the good work momma!

  4. cute kids!!
    found your blog on http://pnwblogger.blogspot.com :) I'm from Salem.

  5. Oh that pic of them holding hands is too precious! They are such happy, handsome boys. Don't you just look at them and feel so full? (most of the time, lol)

  6. Look at those cuties! So adorable!
