Fresh week, Fresh start.....

It's finally Monday, a fresh start, a new day. And I am so very thankful for that. Although this coming week is busy (between the two of us, my husband and I have 6 appointments today!!) I am thankful that last week is done and this week brings with it new challenges, and new joys.

Last week, was by far one of the roughest weeks I can remember in a long time. It was an emotional roller-coaster to say the least. My Mom finished her radiation and completed her cancer treatment! I go with her to the Oncologist tomorrow and they will schedule her scan. We went out that night to celebrate where God has brought us as a family and toast my fabulous and wonderful Mom who has been an incredible person to watch go through this...she constantly amazes me.

The very next day, my Dad went in for a triple bypass surgery. My 55 year old, runner of a Dad. It was hard seeing the rock of our family hooked up to tubes and be in so much pain. But as each day passes, he is makeing strides and I know soon we will be outside running again. It's so very hard to watch your parents go through such painful things, but they are constant in their thanks to the Lord and joy for the things He has done.

Unfortunately in the midst of all this, I dealt with some issues with some people and spent the better part of two days sick to my stomach and in tears. Not good timing (not that it ever is)....but I released them and the situation to the Lord and know that I can do nothing else but trust God to bring about peace in my heart and am so thankful for my ever-supporting husband in all of this. People can be cruel, judgmental and quick to speak....but we are called to love no matter what. So, as hard as it can be....I'm praying even harder for them. And that gives me peace.

Talk about an emotional week, right? Well, on top of all of that we also had a birthday party for our dear friend who is moving back to the UK (hopefully for just a short time). He is family and it's so hard to see him finishing his work here, and packing up his things. He is one of those special people with a birthday on February 29th (his Mom's birthday is too!!!) and we surprised him on Saturday with a big bash! The look on his face was priceless!!

I only got out to run twice this last week, but today I am planning on another 4's gorgeous out so maybe that will help :)

 I did get this lens last week! It's been on my wishlist for a little while and my friend who is also a photographer was upgrading and sold this to me for a fantastic price.  I had just sold some stuff on Craigslist, so bam! I'm loving learning how to use my camera and the different lenses :)

I am hoping that this week brings rest to my weary soul and that in the midst of it all I can still see and seek JOY because it's these little faces :)

Have a great Monday!


  1. Ugh, sounds like an awful week! Hope this week is better for you!

  2. blessings over your coming week ... for the moments of JOY that you'll find and experience. ;) hugs!
    (and you go girl on the running! so impressed).

  3. I am praying that this week is a better week and that God will bless you socks off!
    That lens looks nice.. I want to buy a fancy one too... Maybe soon! Happy Monday!
    Love ya friend!
