Just for today....

As I sit here, trying to sort my thoughts and trying to express myself I hear these little birds outside our window. Last spring we had a pair of doves come and make our tree out front their home. Jack (and the cat) loved watching them waddle around and they were rarely scared off. We hung a bird feeder up for the little finches and watched them make a huge mess as they ate their fill.

The birds, these little creatures who find what they need for each day, in the ground or in a tree. Singing this song of contentment....it's not yet spring but the sky and the ground seem to be ready. And I am ready too.

It is a daily task, giving your fears and hopes to the One who says;

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:34

It's not meant to last us for more than that day....we cannot rely on what we asked last week, or last month to sustain us. He asks us to seek Him and call to Him on a daily basis (and for me, sometimes it's an hourly one)
Because we are not meant to do this alone...on our own. We can try, but we will fail.

While I can fight that, it's in the moment of receiving that where I find the peace I've been wanting and I wonder when I will learn. Learn to let go, He has it covered. Learn to trust in Him in all things....and I am so thankful His patience does not run out. What a freeing feeling, to know that He has my best interests in mind and why oh why should I fight that? He can see it all, and loves me more than I can ever imagine. The greatest lover of my soul.

So I let go, again, and let Him take me. And then I can breathe.


  1. Such a good reminder!! Thank you :)

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Krystle. I know you have had quite a year with two new babies and the health concerns of your parents. I am thankful for our God who loves us as children and whom we can call on any time.
