Just a TEENY bit overdue for an update…

Well. Bad news is I fell off the blogging wagon. Even worse bad news is that I didn’t update after my 11th round of chemo and I hope I didn’t alarm anyone after I never posted again which brings me to my GOOD news.

I’m here and alive and good!

I’m bringing my updates and musings back to the blog because this is where I can be most honest and real and people that want to follow along actually have to be intentional about it. It’s a safe space for me and the place my first book was born out of and someday down the road I’m sure another one will be as well.

So if you’re new here - yay! I’ve been mostly blogging since around 2009 when I lost a baby.

I lost my original domain so pics are missing and some links are broken but the majority of it is here. I also documented my whole twin pregnant and first year. 

There’s a lot of older material to keep you entertained  for now. 

If you’ve been around for a long time. Welcome back you and me. Let’s get this party starting again.