Fill in the blank Friday!

1. One song that always takes me back to my youth is...
Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot. I know, I wrong in so many ways! But some neighbor's friend always had it on, and I learned the lyrics at a very, very young age. Of course I had no idea what I was saying! So, yes, kinda strange...but true!

2. My first concert ever was... 
I can't remember for SURE, but I think it was Audio Adrenaline or Newsboys. At the Britt in Jacksonville, Oregon.

3. If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there:
DC Talk, FF5, Joss Stone, Michael Buble, and Celine Dion. Can't see this mix happening, but it's a dream right.....

4. The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is:
Let's Get it On by Mr. Marvin Gaye haha!!

5. The best concert I've ever been to was:
Probably the Supertones concert at the Expo. I was a wild, moshing head-bangin' crazy person. It was a blast. Got there SUPER early, we were like the 10th people in line to get in the door. Got a cool orange Supertones shirt (matching my best friend's of course!) and my super cool Dad let us go be crazy, and he hung near the back and enjoyed the music.

6. A memorable musical moment for me was...
Not such a good was my first and only Jesus Northwest. My favorite band was Newsboys. So me and this other girl decided to skip the actual concert, and hang out by where their cars are. We were told that this would be where they signed autographs at the end of the night. So, we could still here them play, but weren't up in the mix of it all. We stood there for over 4 hours only to watch them jet off in a limo right away. Needless to say I was no longer their #1 fan. :(

7. The song on my ipod that's getting the most playing time these days is:
Family Force 5 Love Addict. Great workout song!

**Just started following Lauren over at her cute blog and this is a little thing she does on Friday's! So I'm gonna start doing it, but I still haven't figured out how to link BACK!! I got a McLinky account and everything, but I'm totally lost. So, if one of you can help I'd love it! :)**


  1. I love these kind of things. I may have to copy you. :-) I am so behind on my blog. :-( SAD!

    Love you!

  2. Song that takes me back "hot blooded" by foreigner!
    First concert - Pablo Cruise
    make out music- sax!!!
    Musical memory- Trevor singing to Krystle at their wedding rehearsal
    best concert - kutless, chasen and museum
