Hello Tuesday.......

Happy Tuesday everyone! Geesh, it's been forever since I blogged!!
Okay, real quick....I got an itouch this past weekend, and it's like super smart. So I was typing the word Geesh into a comment on Facebook and it auto-finished it for me. Well, I didn't check it and after it posted I saw what it wrote.....
Gershwin! Ha...that just hit me funny. So, now I think I'll say Gershwin when I usually say Geesh.

Okay, on to more important things like how cute my son is.... he "helped" me do dishes last night. And while we washed we sang, "clean clean clean". So Daddy came home from work to find this....so he snapped a few! It was pretty darn cute if I do say so myself :) :)

Well, this week is pretty crazy, but we get to leave for VACATION on Sunday after church! Whoopie! We are headed to Newport, Oregon on the coast! This is a much needed time away! I look forward to blogging about that as well as the Kutless concert that is at our church on Thursday!
Love love love them...check them out here!!

Hope everyone is good!


  1. Love the pictures...and so jealous that you get to see Kutless! Have fun on your vacation.

  2. cute cute! wish i could go to the concert with you. :/

  3. SOoo glad to hear from you! I've missed your posts...too fun! LOVE the cleaning pix...he's absolutely adorable...oh, and I love that you have a window above your sink...every sink needs a window! Can't wait to hear about the Kutlass concert, love the latest song (I see Miracles...)!! Hilarious about the iTouch, funny how those words pop up! Enjoy your vacation, can't wait to see all the pix!
