Updation on Babies!

So, I'm using Jenna's word. Updation. She uses it a lot....and I'm stealing it. I don't think she'll mind...she's pretty cool. She's a darn good writer. You should check out her blog :)

I'm also using a little survey thingy from my friend Becky's blog. She's a new mommy and she did these all the time when she was pregnant and I loved them. So I'm stealing this from her. While you're blog hopping, you should head over to her blog too...show that new mommy some love!

Okay, on to the fun!

-How far along? 13 Weeks 3 Days

-How big are the babies? about the size of an adult fist or a lemon

-Weight gain/loss? Lost 3...would have been more like 5 but I've been eating for 6 days now! Yippee!!

-Maternity clothes? oh yes....yes indeed :)

-Stretchies? From Jack yes....none from these little sweeties...yet :)

-Sleep? Pretty rough...not too sure why. Sometimes heartburn...but I am taking some Tylenol PM's or Unisom every now and then.

-Best moment this week? Seeing the babies again and hearing two VERY distinct heartbeats on the doppler :)

-Movement? Yes. :) I've actually been feeling it for awhile, but I knew people would think I was crazy. Feels like someone is blowing bubbles and they are popping on the inside of my abdomen. Just like with Jack :)

-Food cravings? Nothing specific...sometimes things just hit.

-Genders? At this point I think it's one of each. We'll see at the end of next month!

-Labor signs? none

-Belly button in or out? In 

-What I miss? Hmm...nothing is worth not having these babies inside of me. But I do miss feeling 100% all the time. But, like I said...I'd rather feel awful with these babies then no babies at all and totally healthy.
-What I am looking forward to? Finding out what these little ones are!

-Weekly wisdom? Let people help :)

-Milestones? Hitting the 2nd trimester last week. It's a big deal!!

Hope you are all having a GREAT week!!


  1. YAY for the 2nd trimester!!! and thank you for mentioning me :D Im SO excited for you to find out the genders! eee!

  2. Wonderful! Enjoyed this update so much!
