Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi there, I'm linking up with  Heather over at You Just Wait Til You Have Kids with MoM (Moms of Multiples) link-up Monday and today is all about introducing yourself :)

My name is Krystle and I am Mommy to Jack (will be 4 in three months) and Camden and Christian (15 month twins). This month my husband and I celebrate 9 years of marriage that has gotten better and better each day. We waited 5 years and then started trying for kiddos and welcomed Jack about 11 months later. When Jack turned 1 we got pregnant again only to miscarry at 8 weeks. It took some prompting to get my body back to normal after that, but then 6 months later we were pregnant again and three weeks after that we found out it was fraternal twins!

Yes, three boys and I wouldn't change a thing. All three boys did NICU time for between 7-11 days for minor issues (Jack born at 36w/3d after my waters randomly broke and the twins were born at 36w/4d via c-section) and are perfectly healthy to date. I have the privilege of staying home with them while my sweetie works full time as a Worship Pastor at our church.

I love to blog, workout, read, travel and be with my family, work with teen girls and I do not miss the days of coffee slinging or Medical Assisting before my boys arrived.

Thanks for coming by, looking forward to "meeting" you :)





  1. Hi Krystle! Thanks for linking up! Your boys are just the cutest things ever! :) Looking forward to getting to know you!

  2. Your boys are precious. Came over from MfMbM. I have 1yo b/g twins!

  3. Your boys are adorable! Loved reading our intro! Hope you continue to link up! - Amanda (one of the hostesses of the link up) www.thewilkersonway.blogspot.com

  4. Thanks for coming to link up!! We are so very excited about this and hope you come back each week!! Your boys are just beautiful!!

  5. Great Post!! IT is so fun to get to know you better and you have a very beautiful family!!

  6. They are so so adorable! How cool that you're the only lady in the house. I'd like a girl eventually but would be perfectly happy with three boys too.

  7. Your boys are so stinkin' cute!

  8. Hi, I have an almost 7yo boy and 5yo twin boys. It is a wild ride! Your boys are adorable!

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