Remembering Today

I am all about honoring dates, about remembering and savoring in the sweet moment of tradition and giving these moments their proper due.

We celebrate birthdays by the week in my family, a lot of fun spread out over days just because. I love Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Anniversary's of hugs and engagements and marriage.

Today is a date on my calendar that I will always remember, and so I pause to savor it for what it is. Our second little blessing was due on this date and would have turned two around this time. I remember seeing that little heartbeat on the screen, and yet still anxious over that pregnancy. The loss gutted me deep and that little life will always be a part of me, of us.

We believe in the santity of life, and we believe that when scripture says life begins at conception, it really does mean that life begins at conception. And believing and knowing this makes me smile when I think about that day. That day when I am in heaven and see that precious one there.

It's good to remember, to document and to reflect and I always will.....


  1. You wrote this so perfectly. Last week I thought of my two angel babies. One that would have been 4 and one that have been 2.

    Love ya.

  2. Good advice, definitely seize each day and make most of it.
