Fill in the blank Friday!

1. My favorite book growing up was probably the Little House on the Prarie series....although it's so hard to pick since I loved books so much! But I remember pretending as I read that I was Laura.

2. The funniest book I've ever read was probably the Ramona Quimby series. I just love her.

3. The one book that has truly changed my life is (other than the B.I.B.L.E)...."Believing God" by Beth Moore. Took things to a whole new level of trust for me.

4. If you're looking for a real "tear jerker" you should probably read  "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Almost anything by her actually, but I'm an easy crier, so I might not be the best suggester :)

5. If I could meet any author living or dead I would want to meet Beth Moore. I know several of my blog readers have, but I haven't...YET! I can't think of any other author that God has used more in my life.

6. The next book on my "to read" list is some Karen Kingsbury books a friend is going to lend me!

7.  If I was snowed into remote cabin in the woods and could only choose three books to bring with me I'd bring  "Redeeming Love" "Pride and Prejudice" and the last Harry Potter book, "The Deathly Hallows"
*And since I still haven't figured out the McLinky on this to link back to Lauren's blog....the little things we do*

1 comment

  1. Oh my, we almost share a brain! I loved LHOP books (and Anne of Green Gables -- did you?) and Ramona books.

    And Redeeming Love is one of my all time favorites, as is Pride and Prejudice.

    AND my favorite Beth Moore Bible Study just might be Believing God! Are you scared yet? ;)
