Thank You Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday everyone! It's our first real day back to normal, had to send my hubby off to work :( The little guy wasn't feeling too well yesterday, but seems to be back to normal today!

For the next several Tuesdays, I am going to highlight a blog/website that I have been thankful for. Either for an idea, inspiration or just for making me smile! Today's "Thank You" goes out to.......

Leelou Blogs! 
This is where my awesome blog look comes from! She designs all sorts of fun templates, backgrounds and headers! And guess what....a lot of it is free!!! I haven't found another site that does such awesome freebies! These are top quality looking! In addition to these freebies she also can custom design things for you as well for a very fair fee! She also designs for twitter!Her blog is super cute and I encourage you to check it out and maybe download some stuff! Make sure to add her button to your blog to spead the word!! You can click on the link in this post, or over on your right is her direct link button!
Thank you Leelou Blogs for my awesome layout.....maybe someday I'll have her custom design me a header!!


  1. Well thank you for using my layouts! We love creating them and are so thrilled that people like them! Thanks for spreading the Leelou love :)

  2. I completely agree! I love that she gives away so much for free...I've done my whole blog with things she's given away for free! What a great way to spend your Tuesdays, highlighting sweet!
