Our church is host to an annual Country Christmas Bazaar. It has an incredible reputation in the valley, it's hard to get a booth because it books out so far in advance. It's HUGE. We have a well-known bake sale where my Mom and her best friend are in charge and my sister and I get to help out! It really kicks off the season and the sights and smells are glorious!
Then it's my birthday, followed by Thanksgiving and that crazy day of shopping right after! Before you know it we're picking out our Christmas tree and the house is filled with smells of cookies, cider and Bing is playing in the background. We try to watch a Christmas movie every day the month of December!
I have to say, since having Jack I look forward to this season more and more each year. I get excited thinking about what he'll notice this year that he was to young to notice last year. I get excited thinking about what he will participate in, what he will talk about and dream about. It is fascinating to watch it all through your child's eyes!!
This is our last Christmas as just the 3 of us, and I want to soak in every moment with Jack and focus on him and see things at his level more than ever before. I want to take loads of pictures. He won't ever remember a Christmas without the twins, but we will and I want him to look back and know that life didn't start when they were born. He was the apple of our eye and we took every opportunity to share, explore, teach and celebrate with him! I can't wait to teach him about giving, about what Christmas is really about, teach him the words to Away in the Manger and to soak it all up, knowing it comes just once a year!
Another reason I am looking forward to this Christmas is because we feel like we got well, just plain cheated last year. I lost the baby just before Christmas and had my D&C just days before. In all honesty, Trevor and I talk about how we don't remember much from last Christmas. There were happy moments of course, and our family was incredible. But it didn't make the pain or the sorrow go away. Christmas is our favorite holiday, our favorite season...we have so many fun little traditions. And last year was so tough, and so emotional....we didn't get to experience Christmas the way we always have. My sweet husband had to go lead the Christmas program, and sing and play basically the same day we found out we lost the baby...and then days later lead the Christmas Eve service. It's such a blur...including the months following. We can't even remember what he did for his birthday which is in January...or if we did anything. It just plain sucked. And THIS Christmas, there is SO much to celebrate, so much joy and gratitude! I cannot wait to enjoy this year, and celebrate what He has done for us. Okay, all done...BLAST this emotional post!
I leave you with some of my favorite pictures from the last 2 Christmases :) Looking forward to all of your Christmas/Holiday posts and pictures as well!!
Jack's 1st Christmas |
Cute lil Bug |
Jack's 2nd Christmas...he loved Santa! |
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My boys on Christmas Eve |
You guys deserve a blessed holiday season this year, and I sure hope you have one! And I admire Trevor's character and discipline that in the midst of his grief he could go lead worship. That speaks volumes about your guys strength. Praying for you to have all the joy this year that a holiday season is about. God bless. (And praying for your twins, too). wb