Miscellany Monday

Jack is on a new schedule. I love it. He's sleeping until 7:30 or 8:00am in the morning :) Some of you might think, "well, my kid always does that". But not Jack. Jack used to get up at 5:30am. Then it was 6:30am....and it has been for a long long long time..........until this whole past week. And it is just lovely. Let's just pray it stays like this for Mommy's sake!

My sister has been home now for almost a week. She is resting and resting. It will take quite awhile for her to regain all her strength, but she is making progress. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Thanksgiving. It's this week. I love it. Thanksgiving in my family has definitely changed over the past several years, and to be honest it's been a hard change. Too many things to mention. But I'm learning that change is good and it can be exciting as well. And you know what...with the twins coming next year, it will change even more. You just gotta go with the flow and remember, it's about being Thankful.

Harry Potter. Read the books. Own the books. Own the movies. Watched the new movie. Loved it.

25 weeks today! Wow. I feel massive. I honestly don't know how it's going to be...another 12 weeks of growing belly.

Egg Nog season. YUM

Could this have been a more random Miscellany Monday post? Probably not. But link up with Carissa @ lowercase letters and do your own! Happy Monday!

1 comment

  1. Love the giddy randomness, I can tell you are back to yourself after being so concerned about your sister (and rightfully so)...glad to hear the usual chipper chatter from your blog, it's always such fun!
