10 Random Things This Tuesday

1. Both boys are now in 3-6 month clothes! And Jack's 3-6 month clothes are winter clothes....so we are stretching the 0-3 month shirts (they are just a bit snug) and washing a lot more these days hehe. Pointless to buy any more since in the blink of an eye they will be in 6-9 month clothes!!!

2. My soon to be brother-in-law will be leaving his base tonight overseas and will be returning home this Thursday!! Yippeeeeee :) Although no one is more excited than my sister (rightly so) we are pretty darn excited!

3. Jack's been taking the babies diapers, the poopy ones, and sniffing them really deep and saying..."mmmmm gross!!" with a big smile. What a weirdo.

4. I started Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago.I almost didn't tell you. But, now you know! I love it because it really doesn't limit you, you just have to plan ahead and make wise choices! Plus, with the new system you can eat unlimited fruits and veggies, perfect! On my way to me again :)

5. Camden says "mmmmm" the entire time I am feeding him solids. And Christian will grab at the spoon and get really angry if you are too slow for him. Their personalities are hilarious.

6. My best friend (who I wrote about here) is off and running on the World Race! Click here to sign up for her blog updates! Did I mention how proud I am of her?!

7. 133 days until DISNEYLAND!!!! I cannot wait. I cannot wait!!!

8. Is it strange I've already picked out the theme for the little boy's birthday?? Maybe a bit.

9. Both boys are sleeping from about 6pm-6am these days. Camden waking once for a "re-plug" :) Sooo nice. Now only if I could get my body to fall asleep before 11:00pm

10. Jack's birthday is fast approaching! There are many birthday's in July so he patiently waits for his in August and I am so looking forward to it!

What are you up to? Any countdowns in your family? Leave a comment and share!


  1. :)

    I have Dillon's theme picked out too. So NO I don't think your crazy. We just love being mommies!

  2. Love the updates. Ethan will be home this weekend, and Evan leaves Afghanistan Aug 5th! Whew. He should be home for a visit sometime in September. This is weird, but I was always a little sad when I packed away or gave away clothes that had gotten too small for the boys. And look at them now! Sheesh! I love you and so wish I could go to DLand too. BTW-Congrats on WW. I think it's the best.

  3. Totally have been thinking about birthday themes. Also, I am looking forward to Christmas and Disneyland down the road.

  4. way to go on weight watchers! you inspire me. :) thanks for sharing. it feels good, huh, to take steps in the direction we want to head ... in this case, back to pre-baby bodies. :)
