Farm Eatin' is the life for me

This weekend we headed to our favorite local farm, 7 Oaks Farm. We are blessed to have several local farms you can visit and buy fresh produce from, but this by far is our favorite and is known for it's exceptionally good corn!
They have a little kids play area, and some animals to feed/see as well as a little market where they sell their goods along with a few other local items. They also have a picnic area, and a garden where you can pick your own flowers and fresh herbs!
They also have a little ice cream stand that sells Umpqua Ice Cream, which not only is the best ice cream in the world, it's made just north of us!

As much as I dream of doing my own garden someday...I don't think I inherited my Grandmother's green thumb. So...this is a great second best!

I love the freshness of it all, it totally tastes better, and I love supporting a local business!

This is the best shot I got of this...he just won't hold still :)

Holding the bag of herbs for Mommy

He wanted me to feed the geese, but it says right on the fence "Geese may pinch, be careful when you feed them"
No thanks.

Clipping flowers

Dinner that night, all from the farm!
Onions, corn, Yukon golds and zucchini!

Jack's first experience with corn on the cob!

Diggin in...

Oh yes, that's good!

I also my Pioneer Woman's Pico De Gallo from the produce we got!
With *Weight Watchers the pico de gallo is ZERO points, and 12 chips is only 4 points. So I load up each chip and it's a great snack that is healthy and filling!!

*oh yeah...down 9lbs :)

1 comment

  1. we have a big garden thanks to my hubby's green thumb and I love it! I can't wait for our corn to be ready...soon! We also make HUGE batches of Salsa later in teh summer when all the tomatoes and peppers are ready! YUM!
