This day last year brought with it the biggest news of our life!

One year ago today I was sitting in my OB's office sure I was losing my baby again. Trying to fight off the fear that was threatening to consume me.

Closing my eyes tight, refusing to look at the screen. Afraid to see nothing, no movement.

And then....
"I see two babies and two heartbeats!"

My eyes popped open

"What?! Oh my gosh!"

My sweetie, "Thank you Lord!"




Never in a million years did I expect that, although I had actually told God twins would be amazing.

We spent the rest of the day sharing with our family the news and crying together and laughing together.

It was an amazing day.

Our first picture at the boys, Camden on the left and Christian on the right!


  1. Life changing news for sure!I still remember the day we discovered the twins like it was yesterday! Enjoy those sweet boys! Eat them up! I'm so glad to hear how well you are all doing!

  2. Such an awesome miracle! God is good. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh, what an amazing day! I can't even imagine getting that news. I always wanted twins. WIth our first pregnancy we were so disappointed that it was only one :) and then with our second pregnancy we were definitely not expecting twins and would have been very surprised. We'd like to have three kids... but can only imagine the shock of finding out it's twins on round three! lol. What a blessing it would be though. Beautiful memory you have from last year!!

  4. A day to rejoice year after year! :)

